Michelle's Fashion Inspo

Inspirations and Ideas from a Fashion Lover

Beat the Heat: Stay Cool and Look Hot!

Hello fashionistas! Today, let’s talk summer fabrics to keep you cool and stylish! With temperatures reaching over 100° in some places today, choosing a good summer wardrobe seems to be quite essential these days!

Summer can be hot and humid, and your fabric choice plays a big role in your comfort. So let’s dive into some fabric facts!

Image by Riccardo

Best Summer Fabrics

  1. Cotton: It’s like the little black dress of fabrics. Airy, durable, and affordable! Whether it’s plain tees or floral dresses, cotton is a go-to. Wrinkles may pop up, but hey, that’s a small price to pay!
  2. Linen: Another natural fiber that’s perfect for summer. Linen drinks up moisture and dries quickly, plus it’s super breathable. It wrinkles too, but that’s just a part of its laid-back charm!
  3. Chambray: Denim’s summer-friendly cousin. Looks like denim, feels like a cloud! It doesn’t wrinkle much and comes in all shades of chic.
  4. Rayon: A man-made fiber with a silky touch, it’s super comfortable and dries quickly. Just be careful when washing – we don’t want any shrinking mishaps!
  5. Merino Wool: Who said wool is only for winter? Merino wool regulates body temperature, wicks away moisture, and is oh-so-soft. A versatile option indeed.

Fabrics to Avoid

  1. Polyester: Cheap and durable, but it’s like a sauna suit in summer. It traps heat and moisture – definitely not what we want!
  2. Silk: Luxurious and smooth, but not a summer superstar. It retains heat and doesn’t handle moisture well.
  3. Wool: Perfect for winter, not so much for summer. It absorbs moisture and can get itchy and uncomfortable.

Color Me Summer

When it comes to summer colors, you’d better think light and bright! Light colors like whites, pastels, and neutrals reflect heat instead of absorbing it, making you feel cooler. They also have a fresh and breezy vibe that’s perfect for summer. Don’t shy away from bright colors either. Vibrant hues like turquoise, coral, and sunny yellow can instantly uplift your mood (if needed) and your outfit.

So go for breathable, lightweight, and comfortable fabrics in bright and light color and avoid dark colors and fabrics that trap heat and moisture.

Stay cool, stay stylish, and keep rocking the fashion world!

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